Northern Ireland Housing Market Review and Perspectives 2008-11The Northern Ireland Housing Executive recently published its twelfth annual Housing Market Review and Perspectives, which provides comprehensive information and analysis on the region’s housing market across all tenures and informs the Executive’s strategic intervention in the market.
Among its findings, the Review reports:
- A growing waiting list for social housing;
- Continuing difficulties for first time buyers;
- The end of the boom in house prices;
- Progress in housing standards;
- Progress on energy efficiency; and
- Growing levels of fuel poverty due to rising fuel costs.;
The Review and Perspectives draws on and complements a number of other ongoing and completed research projects, including the findings of the 2006 Northern Ireland House Condition Survey (full report due to be published later this year) and house price and affordability indicators such as the report on
Housing Market Affordability in Northern Ireland 2006/07 and the
Quarterly House Price Index series . The full Housing Market Review and Perspectives Report is also available on the
Housing Executive’s web site.
Housing Research BulletinThe Housing Research Bulletin, launched in 2005 and published twice yearly, aims to highlight the latest research on important housing issues, as well as providing signposts towards other useful, topical information produced by Government departments, universities and other bodies. It is distributed widely in Northern Ireland, and is also available to download from the Executive’s web site.
The sixth edition was published earlier this year, providing an update on some of the organisation’s most recent research activity, including:
- Headline results from the 2006 Northern Ireland House Condition Survey (housing stock, tenure, age and unfitness, based on a sample of 7,250 dwellings);
- Summary findings from the latest phase of a partnership project with the University of Ulster looking at the characteristics of the private rented sector in Northern Ireland; and
- A baseline study of segregation on Housing Executive estates in Belfast, carried out for the Housing Executive by Queen’s University.;
The Bulletin is available to view at . Previous editions can also be downloaded at