Friday, 7 October 2011

Shelter Housing Databank

Shelter has today launched Shelter Housing Databank, the easy access local housing data resource.

With the current drive for localism, reliable local housing data is more critical than ever.

That’s why Shelter has put the most up-to-date housing data for England – drawn from a wide range of sources - into one place, enabling an analysis of local housing indicators in just a few quick steps.

Regularly updated, this new Housing Databank enables local areas to be compared and can aggregate local data to regional and national levels, in a few easy clicks.

Visit Shelter Housing Databank at

HSA Support and Endorsement of Activities and Events

The HSA recognises that supporting and endorsing events and activities that contribute to its aims is a primary function for the Association and that this represents an important and effective utilisation of our resources. The HSA is therefore committed to providing appropriate support and endorsement where possible to further its aims.
We welcome applications for support and endorsement, and we particularly encourage applications from early career researchers or for activities and events which support early career researchers.
Please note that lead applicants MUST be current members of the HSA and that any support provided is subject to terms and conditions. Only applications submitted through the official application form will be considered and this form must be completed in full.
Details of the HSA's policy and procedure for supporting and endorsing activities and how to apply are available on the HSA website
For further information or to informally discuss an application or proposed activity or event please contact John Flint at

Supported places at the 2012 HSA Conference

We are delighted to announce that, with the continuing generous support of the Housing Studies Charitable Trust, we are again able to offer a number of supported places at the 2012 HSA conference. These are:
· Two Housing Studies Charitable Trust Bursaries
· Four Housing Studies Association Bursaries
Each of the bursaries will cover the full cost of conference fees and up to £50 travel costs to attend the conference. Candidates who are initially not successful in gaining a bursary may also be placed on a reserve list for any unused places.
Further etails about the bursaries, eligibility, conditions and how to apply are available on the HSA website: