Wednesday, 16 January 2008

ENHR New Housing Researcher Colloquium

- in association with the 2008 ENHR Conference, Dublin, 4th to 6th July 2008

New housing researchers are invited come to this colloquium to present papers about ongoing research and to interact with other new researchers as well as more experienced housing researchers. The colloquium for new housing researchers is being run in association with the 2008 ENHR conference at University College Dublin, July 6-9. It is organised by Professor Chris Paris & Dr Michaela Keenan with the help and support of colleagues from the University of Ulster Conference Office.

The aim is to provide an opportunity for new researchers to present and discuss papers on their on-going research and gain feedback from both their peer group and international mentors. To gain from the format of discussion by mentors and peers these papers will normally discuss research objectives, methodology and first results - but not be finished products.

The colloquium is designed for:
- PhD students, whether full-time or part-time, working on housing and housing-related topics;
- People developing careers within housing research in the university, public or private sectors; and
- New housing researchers who have recently completed Masters Degrees and who are interested in developing their interest in the field.

The ENHR has run these colloquia for some years in conjunction with the main ENHR conference, though this is the first time that the colloquium is to be held at a different location from the main conference.

There is no specific theme for this colloquium, but participants are encouraged to orient their papers if possible to the theme of the main conference: Shrinking Cities, Sprawling Suburbs, Changing Countrysides.

Accommodation and conference fee is £85.00, payable in £ sterling. This fee includes single occupancy ensuite accommodation, continental breakfast, morning and afternoon tea and coffee, lunch on Saturday 5th July, a first evening drinks reception and the bus tour of Belfast on Sunday 6th July.

Participants should be aware that papers presented at this colloquium may not be presented at the main ENHR conference at University College Dublin, July 6-9 2008.

Paper abstracts should be up to 400 words.
Deadline for submission of abstracts - 14 March 2008.
Deadline for submission of papers - 13 June 2008.

More details can be found from the website:

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