Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Governance: Theory, Policy and Practice - Symposium

The third Stirling ‘Keywords’ symposium – ‘Governance: theory, policy and practice’, is to be held on Wednesday 28th May, 10:00-13:00pm at the University of Stirling. This is an event hosted by the Governance, Participation and Inclusion Research Group, Department of Applied Social Sciences, University of Stirling. It is aimed at exploring contemporary keywords in the applied social sciences in a way which links theory, policy, research and practice from an interdisciplinary perspective. Keynote speakers include: Professor Janet Newman (Open University), Professor John Clarke (Open University), and Professor Kirstein Rummery (University of Stirling).

The event is free but places are limited, contact Angela.Higgins@stir.ac.uk to reserve a place. All welcome – attendance is open to researchers, policymakers and practitioners.

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