New Poll: Should the ‘the tenancy for life’ for social housing tenants be scrapped as the CIH has recently proposed?
Please leave comments on the latest HSA poll here.
This is one of the most ridiculous policy suggestions I have heard for a long time. Not only does it totally undermine other important government agendas such as community-cohesion and mixed-communities, but it would also consign social housing to firmly becoming a marginal tenure of last resort. Surely, we need to avoid concentrations of poverty and deprivation in social housing not exacerbate it? Public housing like the NHS and state education, is a fundamental pillar (albeit a wobbly one) of the UK welfare state that everyone should have a right to access.
I agree with Kim, this suggestion would undermine any attempts to create mixed communities based on income and community-cohesion.
Furthermore, it ignores the fact that social housing is more than just a commodity - it is a person's home - people may have relationshps and connections in the area.
As a social housing tenet who is now on a good income, I can tell you that even in the current downturn, buying a house is still a distant aspiration. If I were to be turfed out because I was deemed able to purchase housing on the open market, I would have to move many miles away from my current home in order to do so, which underlines Zhan's excellent comment on the nature of housing as more than just a commodity.
This is one of the most ridiculous policy suggestions I have heard for a long time. Not only does it totally undermine other important government agendas such as community-cohesion and mixed-communities, but it would also consign social housing to firmly becoming a marginal tenure of last resort. Surely, we need to avoid concentrations of poverty and deprivation in social housing not exacerbate it? Public housing like the NHS and state education, is a fundamental pillar (albeit a wobbly one) of the UK welfare state that everyone should have a right to access.
I agree with Kim, this suggestion would undermine any attempts to create mixed communities based on income and community-cohesion.
Furthermore, it ignores the fact that social housing is more than just a commodity - it is a person's home - people may have relationshps and connections in the area.
As a social housing tenet who is now on a good income, I can tell you that even in the current downturn, buying a house is still a distant aspiration. If I were to be turfed out because I was deemed able to purchase housing on the open market, I would have to move many miles away from my current home in order to do so, which underlines Zhan's excellent comment on the nature of housing as more than just a commodity.
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