Monday, 2 March 2009


Following their winning entry in the SEV (Dutch housing innovation agency) competition to design the housing organsiation of the future, 'Close Neigbours, not Distant Friends' , CURS / University of Brimingham and OTB / TU Delft are working on an action research prorgamme with four English and four Dutch housing associations. These associations want to enact the 'close neighbours' principles including being 'one of us, dependable, aware of what's going on, easily found and taking responsibility' in a project to re-focus their associations on neighbourhood outcomes.

Following a learning exchange event at Clapham Park Estate in south London in November 2008, the associations are working with SEV, hact (the Housing Associations Charitable Trust), OTB and CURS on an 'outcome arena' methodology to map the relationship between their interventions and neighbourhood outcomes. Progress is being tracked by PhD students at the two Universities and it is hoped to include papers based on this innovative project in the Social Housing: Institutional and Organisational Transformations Workshop at ENHR, Prague, July 2009. Close Neighbours is led by Gerard van Bortel (OTB) and David Mullins (CURS). Further information at

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