Monday 7 September 2009


Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning research has recently been commissioned by Communities and Local Government to evaluate the Enhanced Housing Options Trailblazers. This project, which will run over the next two years will evaluate the implementation, operation and success of the 42 Trailblazers programmes.

The Enhanced Housing Options Trailblazers are being run by CLG with support from the DWP. They aim to develop innovative approaches to delivering housing options/advice services, by offering housing advice to people with low and medium housing need as well as those with acute need, and also by linking housing advice to wider advice about a range of issues such as training and employment, financial management, and access to benefits. There is also a focus on making better use of existing social housing stock, and greater use of the private rented sector.

The evaluation is being lead by CCHPR, with involvement from Birmingham University (Centre for Urban and Regional Analysis) and Shared Intelligence.

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