Tuesday, 13 October 2009


Transformational Change? A Synthesis of New Evidence 2008-09


This report synthesises the evidence and analysis from a variety of reports published as part of the evaluation of the New Deal for Communities Programme on the extent of change that has occurred in the 39 deprived neighbourhoods the programme covers.

An Overview of Cross-sectional Change Data 2002-2008


This report presents new data from the 2008 New Deal for Communities household survey and, for key indicators, tracks change from 2002 across the series of household surveys bi-annually. Local and national benchmarks are included where data permits.

Four Years of Change? Understanding the Experiences of the 2002-2006 New Deal for Communities Panel - Main Report


This report provides a longitudinal perspective on outcome change in deprived areas through the analysis of household survey data collected as part of the evaluation of the New Deal for Communities Programme.

Understanding and tackling worklessness volume 1: Worklessness, employment and enterprise: Patterns and change

Understanding and tackling worklessness volume 2: Neighbourhood level problems, interventions, and outcomes

Improving outcomes? Engaging local communities in the NDC Programme

This study explores the nature and impact of community engagement activities in six New Deal for Communities (NDC) Partnerships.

Raising educational attainment in deprived areas: the challenges of geography and residential mobility for area-based initiatives


This report explores the challenges in New Deal for Communities areas for local partnerships to develop and evaluate effective interventions to raise the educational attainment of local children.

Residential mobility and outcome change in deprived areas


This report examines the nature and impact of residential mobility on outcome change in the New Deal for Communities areas with a focus on how 6 case study partnerships experience and address issues raised by residential mobility in their areas.

The 2008 Partnership Survey


This report sets out the findings from the 2008 New Deal for Communities Partnership Survey which covers a range of operational issues such as personnel and staffing,partnerships with other agencies, organisational structure and plans for succession.

The NDC Programme: Outputs and Expenditure 1999-2007


This report presents a summary of data on spend and outputs to date.

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