Friday, 4 December 2009

Age Friendly Communities in the North: People and Places 2020

The Northern Housing Consortium have conducted ground-breaking research amongst their membership to explore, understand and respond to the needs of older people in our communities, and to map out the steps the housing sector needs to take to create ‘age friendly’ homes, neighbourhoods and services which will meet the needs of future generations. The results of this major research project will be launched at an unmissable event for any one involved in the provision of services for older people: Tuesday, January 26th, 2010, York Racecourse, York.

Also featuring the first screening of Northern Silver Screen II – a collection of short films looking at best practice in age friendly and intergenerational ctivities.

Delegates at the event will:
-Receive a free copy of the publication, ‘Age Friendly Communities in the North: People & Places 2020’
-Receive a free copy of the Northern Silver Screen II DVD
-Hear latest government thinking around ensuring that homes and neighbourhoods are ‘age friendly’ and future proofing the sector as a whole
-Gain the knowledge to understand the key challenges, identify opportunities and deliver results
-Share good practice and learn from one another
-Hear about the tools and solutions available to future proof the services you deliver

For further information or to book a place, please visit:

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