Friday, 4 December 2009


Professor Tony Crook addresses National Landlords Association conference

Professor Tony Crook addressed the National Landlords' Association conference at the Holiday Inn in Birmingham on 20-21 November. The conference, and Professor Crook’s contribution, explored the Government’s proposals in its response to the Rugg Review of the Private Rented Sector in England. For more details:

TRP staff complete major study of Private Landlords in Scotland

A team of researchers from Sheffield, with a colleague from the University of Oxford, have recently completed a major study of the ownership of privately rented housing in Scotland for the Scottish Government. Professor Tony Crook and Dr Ed Ferrari from the department, together with Professor Peter Kemp from Oxford, authored a report entitled 'Views and Experiences of Landlords in the Private Rented Sector in Scotland'. The report, which was part of the Scottish Government's programme of research into the private rented sector, is informing policy in this important area.

They key findings from the study were that private sector housing is largely owned and managed by individual landlords owning relatively small portfolios. Most now regard their properties as investments, a significant increase from previous years. In general, landlords feel that the private rented sector works well but they have a number of specific concerns about how it is regulated.

More details can be found in the Scottish Government's Research Findings summary and full report, which can be downloaded from the Scottish Government's website at:

Professor Crook appointed Chair of housing charity

Professor Tony Crook was appointed Chair of housing charity Shelter’s Board of Trustees, with effect from May 1st 2009.

Professor Crook said: “It is a great honour for me to have been asked by the Trustees to serve Shelter at this critical time for our country's housing. I look forward to working with all colleagues in Shelter and partner organisations to help keep the housing needs of our country at the forefront of debates. We will ensure that Shelter continues to be an effective advocate for imaginative policies to eliminate homelessness and bad housing.”

New Project: RICS award to look at household mobility expectations

Craig Watkins, Ed Ferrari and Danielle Leahy Laughlin are undertaking research funded by the RICS that looks at the way in which survey-based data on household mobility expectations are used to forecast housing need and demand at the local level. The project is part of broader programme of work, funded in part by the Technology and Science Board, that seeks to develop the conceptual and technical basis for Strategic Housing Market Assessments.

New Project: Valuing Attractive Landscapes in the Urban Economy (VALUE)

John Henneberry will be leading the TRP team in this major international project funded under the ERB INTERREG IVB North West Europe programme. The Sheffield team will be involved in Stated Preference Experiments that incorporate visualisations/virtual reality models to assess residents', businesses' and policy-makers' preferences and/or willingness to pay for a . The team will also undertake a more macro level assessment of the impact of green infrastructure on urban competitiveness.

New PhD students

Richard Dunning has joined TRP on a University Research Scholarship. Richard's doctoral studies will focus on modelling housing search and mobility patterns.

Reminder: HSA Annual Conference 2010

The call for Papers is open until 31 January 2010. More details can be found at There is also an Early Careers Stream, with discounted fees, open to PhD students and early career researchers.

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