Thursday, 28 January 2010


Housing Research Bulletin – 9th Edition

The most recent edition of the Housing Research Bulletin summarises a number of short reports on the private rented sector in Northern Ireland, produced by the University of Ulster for the Housing Executive. The findings point towards a sector that fulfils a vital role in catering for a range of needs, and raise questions on how best to support the quality private rented sector that will continue to be a very necessary part of Northern Ireland’s housing market.

On a similar, sustainability-related theme, other articles in this edition of the Research Bulletin consider the impacts of second homes north and south of the border in Ireland, new evidence on the level of segregation in Housing Executive estates outside Belfast, and the measurement of ‘social assets’ at local level in Northern Ireland.

It can be accessed at:

Continuous Tenant Omnibus Survey

The 2008 Continuous Tenant Omnibus Survey (CTOS) was the fifteenth comprehensive assessment of the attitudes of Housing Executive tenants to be carried out since 1994. As well as gathering views on the Executive’s service provision, the survey provides a useful socio-economic profile of Housing Executive tenants.

Migrant Workers and the Housing Market: A Case Study of Dungannon

There has been no comprehensive study of the effect of the rapid increase in the number of migrant workers on Northern Ireland’s housing market. This research goes some way to address this issue. Using Dungannon as a case study, it examines the impact that migrant workers have had on the local housing market, provides an insight into their current housing circumstances and gives a preliminary indication of their future housing needs.

Performance of the Private Rental Market (Belfast Metropolitan Area)

This report examines the developments in the private rental market January-June 2009. It indicates that in line with other parts of the UK average rent levels have declined a little.

The Private Rented Sector in Northern Ireland

This important suite of new research publications deals with aspects of privately rented accommodation and the experiences of tenants.

Introduction and Background

Stock Profile and Physical Condition Report

Socio-economic Profile of Private Sector Tenants

Living in the Private Rented Sector

Stick, Twist or Bust: Final Report

This study looks at the impact of falling grant rates and the efficiency agenda on the ability of small and medium-sized housing associations in England to develop new social housing. This final report consolidates previous working papers and offers a commentary on the significance of the findings for the housing association sector in Northern Ireland.

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