Thursday, 28 January 2010

SPA Conference 2010

Social Policy in Times of Change
5-7 July 2010, University of Lincoln, UK

Call for papers
The Social Policy Association’s Annual Conference will be held at the University of Lincoln from 5-7 July 2010. The plenary speakers for this year’s event will be Professor Peter Dreier (Occidental College, Los Angeles), Professor Ruth Lister (University of Loughborough), and Dr Branko Milanovic (World Bank).

Proposals are invited for papers on any aspect of social policy. We particularly encourage proposals reflecting high quality research or which explore questions of social policy in practice or the teaching of social policy. In 2010, in addition to standard papers, we are also calling for proposals for symposia, with three or four abstracts linked to a particular theme. Symposia will potentially allow participants to engage more deeply with their special interests.

For papers, abstracts of up to 400 words indicating the appropriate stream should be submitted as an email attachment to Proposals for symposia should consist of a 200 word outline of the aims of the symposium together with the relevant abstracts. Proposals will be reviewed by a Programme Committee prior to acceptance. The closing date for the submission of abstracts and proposals is Friday 12 February 2010. Full papers must be submitted in pdf form by 18 June 2010. All proposals will be reviewed by a small team before approval.

1. Children and families
2. Work, economy and welfare
3. Governance and the policy process
4. Comparative social policy
5. Poverty, inequalities and human rights
6. User perspectives
7. Teaching and learning
8. Health and social care
9. Innovations in social policy research
10. Crime, policing and criminal justice
11. Housing and welfare
12. Ageing and the lifecourse
13. Demographic and environmental change
14. Service design, delivery and use
15. The future of social policy
16. Open stream

Further information about the conference can be found at:

Booking information will shortly be available on this web site

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