Wednesday, 8 September 2010

New Issue of PPP Online

Volume 4, Issue 2 is now available free to download at

Issue 2 contents:

* Promoting homeownership at the margins: the experience of low-cost homeownership purchasers in regeneration areas - Kim McKee
* The future of Arms Length Management Organisations: the uncertain fate of a social housing hybrid - Ian Cole and Ryan Powell
* How do we make prisons places of work and learning? - Del Roy Fletcher
* Review – The Spirit Level: why equality is better for everyone - Gary Craig
* Review – Sinking and Swimming: understanding Britain’s unmet needs - Karen Escott

About People, Place & Policy Online:
PPP-Online provides a forum for debate between academics, policy-makers and practitioners thinking about major societal challenges and concerned with identifying problems and suggesting solutions.

PPP-Online publishes:

* research findings, including emerging findings from ongoing research
* methodological discussions and reflections on research and evaluative techniques and approaches
* policy reviews
* literature reviews
* opinion pieces, stimulating ongoing debate across issues
* book reviews

PPP-Online welcomes both empirically and theoretically informed discussion from different viewpoints about: the problems facing contemporary society; how they are perceived and presented by policy makers; the appropriateness and effectiveness of the policy and practice response; the practical and political realities of policy orientated research; perspectives on different methods and methodologies; and the conflicts and challenges encountered by the researcher and the researched.

For further information please visit

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