Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Housing Studies Association Conference 2013 - Changing political and institutional landscapes: What are the consequences for housing?

Housing finds itself at the centre of unprecedented change in policy, political and institutional landscapes. As well as the on-going effects of welfare reform and the impacts of the economic downturn and austerity measures, political expediency and ideological opportunity are imposing significant challenges for the way housing is conceptualised and produced. Housing strategies are heading in new directions in different constituencies. These and other issues will be explored at the 2013 Housing Studies Association conference through the following themes:

  • Changing state / market relationships and the implications for housing
  • Understandings of housing as a welfare good; including notions of entitlement and conditionality
  • Tenure reform and the blurring of boundaries between the social and private rented sectors
  • The shifting relations between state and civic society in planning for and delivering housing

The date for your diary: 10-12 April 2013
The venue: University of York

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