IHURER has launched a website dedicated to the ‘Multiple Exclusion Homelessness Across the UK: A Quantitative Survey’ study, funded by the ESRC, and led by Prof Suzanne Fitzpatrick. The website provides details of key findings and downloadable outputs, including the first three of a series of Briefing Papers. Future outputs will be uploaded as they become available. The MEH study has had direct influence on the forthcoming homelessness strategy for England – see the website for details. http://www.sbe.hw.ac.uk/research/ihurer/homelessness-social-exclusion/multiple-exclusion-homelessness.htm.
IHURER is hosting the European Real Estate Society Conference in Edinburgh, June 13-16 2012. Participants are attending from all over the world and almost 400 abstracts have been accepted, with housing constituting a major theme. Details are available at www.eres2012.com
Drawing on her ESRC-funded research on the role of faith-based organisations in homelessness provision, Dr Sarah Johnsen presented at the Westminster Faith Debates session focussing on ‘Religion and Welfare’ in Whitehall on 21 March. The event was chaired by Rt Hon Charles Clarke and Sarah’s paper was responded to by fellow panel members Rt Hon David Blunkett and the Most Revd Peter Smith (Catholic Archbishop of Southwark). The Westminster Faith Debates series was hosted by the AHRC/ESRC Religion and Society programme and Theos.
Prof Dennis Culhane, a leading homelessness expert from the US, and IHURER’s Prof Suzanne Fitzpatrick went on a whirlwind ‘tour’ of the UK in February, speaking at events in Edinburgh, London and Cardiff. Suzanne spoke about her work on homelessness in the UK and Europe; Dennis on homelessness policy and provision in the US. The events included:
- 7 Feb, Shelter Scotland: 'Homelessness post 2012: where next? ' at St Pauls & St George's, Edinburgh;
- 9 Feb, JRF and WISERD seminar: 'The future of homelessness policy in Wales: Learning lessons from the States and the Scots' at the University of Cardiff; and
- 10 Feb, Crisis seminar: 'Homelessness in austere times: lessons from home and abroad' at the Courtauld Institute of Art, Somerset House, London.
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