Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Myths and Realities: A series of public debates
Growing Old: Something to Fear or Celebrate?

Images of later life seem to fall into two extremes: advertisements featuring glowing, happy post-retirement couples enjoying cruises and happy families or lonely, disabled, solitary old people unable to afford care or support. It’s true that many of us will live to a very ripe old age but which image is closer to reality? Will we grow old disgracefully or experience a sad decline? Join:
  • Chair: Fi Glover, BBC journalist and presenter
  • Chris Phillipson, Professor of Applied Social Studies and Social Gerontology, Keele University
  • Mary Gilhooly, Professor of Gerontology, School of Health Sciences and Social Care, Brunel University
Book your place via the British Library’s website: www.bl.uk/whatson or for more information contact: social-sciences-events@bl.uk

This series of debates will look at significant public and social issues, challenge some of the common myths and assumptions we make, and show the role social science plays to explain what is happening and point the way to solutions.


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