Sunday, 27 January 2013

HSA 2013 conference - Conference registration and abstract submission deadline reminder

Conference registration

Registrations are now open for this year’s Housing Studies Association conference at the University of York, 10-12 April 2013, titled ‘Changing political, socioeconomic and institutional landscapes: What are the consequences for housing?Full details of the conference, including themes and confirmed speakers, can be found on the HSA conference website

Details of how to register for the 2013 conference are available from HSA 2013 conference registration Please note that the discounted early bird rate is valid until 28 February. Payment must be received by the date of the conference.

Abstract deadline

HSA members are reminded that the deadline for the submission of abstracts for the main conference and early careers stream is Friday,1st February 2013. Papers addressing the conference themes or dealing with any other aspect of housing policy, practice or theory are welcomed. Offers of papers (a title and 200 word abstract) should be emailed to Martin McNally and Sarah Johnsen

Abstracts for the Early Career stream (also 200 words max), should be sent to Gareth Young and Ben Pattison. Please note that the conference bursary application deadline is also 1 February. For details see the conference website


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