Monday, 25 March 2013

News from TRP University of Sheffield

New ESRC Knowledge Exchange project with Housing Quality Network
Ed Ferrari and John Flint are leading a new Knowledge Exchange Opportunities project funded by the ESRC to explore ways that housing practitioners can make better use of the insights generated by housing academics. The project's researcher, Janis Bright, will be working for 12 months with Housing Quality Network, the leading advice network for housing practitioners . Go to the HQN website.
As part of the project, Janis will also be working with a number of housing organisations to understand how they use research and how they could more effectively exploit it strategically and operationally. The project is also being supported by the Housing Studies Association. For more information, contact

TRP hosts first Big Society seminar in new series
On 7-8 March the Department of Town and Regional Planning at the University of Sheffield hosted the first of a new series of seminars funded by ESRC looking at the impact of the Big Society and Localism on housing. Speakers included Kim McKee (University of St Andrews), Tony Manzi (University of Westminster), Keith Jacobs (University of Tasmania), David Mullins (University of Birmingham), Vidhya Alakeson (Resolution Foundation), David Clapham (University of Reading), Grainia Long (Chartered Institute of Housing), Paul Broadbent (Gangmasters Licensing Authority), Mike Raco (University College London) and Peter Matthews (Heriot-Watt University), and the event was chaired by John Flint and Ed Ferrari of TRP. Follow-up seminars will be taking place in Belfast and St. Andrews throughout 2013 and 2014. Full details of the seminar series (together with papers and presentations from the first seminar) can be found at The Big Society, Localism and Housing Policy

Building Economies and Resilient Societies PhD Network
The Department of Town and Regional Planning has secured funding for two PhD studentships as part of the BEARS inter-disciplinary research network at the University of Sheffield. The network will bring together researchers and supervisors working in related areas to look at issues of economic and societal resilience in medium sized post-industrial communities, and is supported by Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council. Each project is interdisciplinary by design and will provide excellent opportunities for research students to broaden their range of disciplinary perspectives. Projects include Deprivation, educational attainment and resilience in Doncaster, to be supervised by Alasdair Rae (Department of Town and Regional Planning) and Brendan Stone (School of English), and Perceptions and realities of economy-driven housing market growth in Doncaster, to be supervised by Ed Ferrari (Department of Town and Regional Planning) and Lucy Jones (School of Architecture). More information at The Bears Group


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